Months of effort for young, aspiring ranchers and farmers culminates at the Salinas Valley Fair’s Junior Livestock Auction on Saturday, May 18th. Over 800 4-H and FFA members have selected, purchased, fed, and groomed livestock to be judged, graded and sold at the Fair.
A few seconds in the ring concludes months of hard work for these young livestock exhibitors, who have raised market hogs, sheep, beef, replacement heifers, rabbits, or poultry. Thanks to the buyers, the animals bring a good return to the exhibitors who have spent time in the show ring having their animals examined by the judges. The auction starts out with market hogs, followed by bred heifers, beef, goats, poultry, rabbits, and lambs.
The Junior Livestock Auction brings together the efforts of volunteers and the generosity of many businesses. “Learning to produce food for my table and how to be in business for myself – valuable lessons I learned as a 4-H and FFA member,” said Fair Auction Director, Cody Bassetti, “Now as the volunteers and the auction buyers, we’re all doing our part to ensure these lessons continue for kids in our community.” Bassetti is a volunteer Director of the Fair’s Junior Livestock Auction and oversees the 75 plus volunteers that help to sell the livestock raised by the 4-H and FFA members.
Staff members from Mechanics Bank are ringside to help operate the video projections, which display lot numbers, seller information, and sale price. Breakfast is sponsored by CliftonLarsonAllen, and American Ag Credit sponsors the buyers’ lunch. Industrial Pump Shop, Mike and Mary Orradre, and Rosa Pacheco’s Catering sponsor the Buyers’ Reception at the conclusion of the auction.
In the barn area, volunteers work closely with project leaders and exhibitors to make sure the animals are brought into the ring in a timely manner.
The ringmen watch closely to catch every bid—begging and cajoling when necessary, to get the best price for each animal. The auctioneers, in their measured cadence, keep the auction moving to make sure the seller and buyer each get their due.
“Our volunteers, donors, and buyers really make the difference,” said John Orradre, Livestock Committee Chair. “Every year something special and surprising, takes place to remind me we have a good thing going in King City.” The Salinas Valley Fair Livestock Committee and the Junior Livestock Auction Committee are constantly looking for ways to make purchasing animals easy for the buyer. Staff and volunteers will be on hand to answer questions before and day of sale to explain purchasing options to new or potential buyers.
For more information, call 831-385-3521 or e-mail